Student: how to register in full?

This is your situation:

  • You are an EU, EEA or Swiss national.
  • You wish to register in full with the city office.

AttentionIs this not your situation?
Then your registration will proceed differently.
Check how to register

What do you have to do?

Step 1. Gather the documents

You must add these documents immediately:

  • National identity card or national passport
    • Pay attention to the requirements.
    • Is your place of birth not mentioned on your ID card?
      If we do not have this information, we register your place of birth in the Belgian national register as 'unspecified'.
      • Add your passport instead, if you have one.
      • If you do not have a passport or your passport does not mention your place of birth either: add another official document which proves your place of birth (e.g. birth certificate).
    • Is your gender not mentioned on your ID card?
      We require this information, since your Belgian national registration number (‘rijksregisternummer’) is generated on the basis of your date of birth and your gender.
      • Add your passport instead, if you have one.
      • If you do not have a passport: add another official document which proves your gender (e.g. birth certificate).
  • Rental contract (if available)
  • 1 passport-size photo

The following documents are also best submitted right away. Don't have them yet? Then you have 3 months to provide them to us.

  • Proof of enrolment at the college or university
    An admission letter is not proof of registration.
  • Proof of health insurance which is valid during your entire stay in Belgium, preferably an EU health insurance card.
    If you present other proof of health insurance, it must be valid for long stay in Belgium, and issued in or translated into Dutch, French, German or English. We do not accept a travel insurance.
  • A 'declaration on honour', in which you declare that you have sufficient financial means at your disposal.
    Print the document, and add it to your application, duly completed and signed. You must complete, date and sign the Dutch form. An English translation is attached on the second page.

What you need to know before you start

  • Attach the documents in colour.
  • Preferably attach the documents in pdf (not applicable for photos).
  • Make a single file of documents consisting of several pages or belonging together
    E.g. health insurance contract.
  • A document may not exceed 10 MB in size.

Step 2: Register yourself

Register yourself with the city

Prefer not to register online?
Come to the city office with your documents, by appointment.
If you are not in Belgium, you can only make an appointment by phone.
You will immediately receive proof of your registration (an ‘annex 19’ and possibly an ‘annex 8ter’).

Step 3: We process your application

We process your application.

Step 4: Collect proof of registration

We will invite you by email to come to the city office to collect proof of your registration (‘annex 19’ and possibly ‘annex 8ter’). You make an appointment.
What do you need to bring?
  • National identity card or passport
  • Invitation from the city
  • The documents mentioned in your invitation
How to make an appointment?

If you are not in Belgium, you can only make an appointment by phone.

Make an appointment

Step 5: We check your address

A local police officer will check whether you reside at your permanent address. Ensure that your name appears on the doorbell and letterbox.

Step 6: Apply for residence card

Is your registration with the city complete and has the local police officer confirmed your address? Then we will email you an invitation to apply for a residence card. It can take up to 2 months before you receive one. Subsequently, you can make an appointment.

How to make an appointment?


Make an appointment

What do you need to bring?

  • National identity card or national passport
  • 1 passport-size photo
  • Annex 8ter
  • € 20 (cash, debit card or credit card)

Completion of the file

If, at the time of registration, you provided no or insufficient proof of enrolment at your educational institution or of health insurance, you have three months’ time to complete your file.

How to submit?

1. Gather the documents

You attach the following documents to your application (in pdf format, each document scanned separately and in colour):

  • National ID card (back and front) or passport (biodata page)
  • Annex 19
  • The documents which are missing in your file

2. Complete your file

AttentionAttentionWe only process complete applications.

Submit your documents

What happens after you have submitted the documents?

  • We add them to your file.
  • If your file is complete, at most 3 weeks later you will receive an ‘annex 8ter’ by email as proof of your registration. If you are staying in Leuven for more than 1 semester, we will furthermore invite you to apply for a residence card.

Do you have a question?

Contact us. We are happy to help you.

Call us

016 27 21 94

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