Registering a birth

If your child was born in Leuven, you have to register this birth with the municipality. The municipality will then draw up a birth certificate.

When should I register a birth?

  • At the latest 15 days after the birth.
  • If the 15th day is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the deadline is the next workday.

Who may register a birth?

  • Mother
  • Father
  • Co-mother
AttentionNot married?
Are the child’s parents not married? The father or co-mother may only register the birth alone after acknowledging parentage of the child before the birth. Otherwise, the mother has to be present as well.

How to register?

You can register online or you can come to the City Office.


Register the birth (Dutch only)

In the City Office

Go to the City Office after making an appointment.
Make an appointment

What do you need to bring?

  • Birth registration form
    • ​Issued by the hospital (eBirth)
    • Issued by the physician or midwife in case of home birth
  • Parents’ identity documents

Other documents:

  • If the parents are married: marriage certificate
  • If the parents are not married and acknowledged parentage of the child before the birth: declaration of acknowledgement of parentage


Free of charge.

Reporting a stillborn child

Did your baby die shortly before or during birth, after a pregnancy lasting at least 140 days? In this case you can have a deed of a stillborn child drawn up. From 180 days (6 months) onwards, it is mandatory.

Do you have a question? 

Contact us, we are happy to help you.

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016 27 21 93

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