Night shop operating permit

Do you want to open or take over a night shop? If so, you need an operating permit. It is valid for 3 years.


  • The night shop is only registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE) under the heading 'sale of general food and household items'.
  • The night shop does not conduct any other trading activity.
  • The night shop has a maximum net sales surface area of 150 square meters.
  • The night shop has a clear and permanent 'night shop’ sign.
  • You have an establishment permit for the same enterprise number.
AttentionIn addition to an operating permit, you also need an establishment permit . Are you opening a new night shop? If so, we will immediately start your application for both permits. You do not need to request the operating permit separately.

When do you apply?

At least 60 days before the night shop is due to open.

Who can apply for a permit?

The owner or tenant of the property.

How do you apply?

  1. Collect the documents

    • Copy of your identity card
    • Certificate from the VAT administration showing that you have no debts (maximum 6 months old)
    • Certificate from the NSSO administration showing that you have no debts (maximum 6 months old)
    • Certificate from the 'direct taxes' administration showing that you have no debts (maximum 6 months old)
    • Copy of the establishment and operating permit of the previous owner, if it concerns a takeover
    • Copy of the establishment permit, if you already have one and are only applying for an operating permit
  2. Apply for your permit online

    Apply for a permit (Dutch only)


The permit expires:

  • After three years, unless you have requested an extension. This is possible at the earliest six months before the permit expires.
  • If the operator changes.
  • If the night shop is closed continuously for more than six months.
  • If the night shop goes bankrupt.
  • If the night shop is legally sealed.

What happens after you have applied?

  • The city examines:
    • Your finances: debts to the city, tax and social security debts, certificates of VAT, taxes and social security.
    • Your urban planning permit.
    • Your morality to be able to run a business where (strong) alcoholic beverages are sold.
    • Whether you comply with the legal requirements of hygiene in the business.
    • Whether you have the right permits as an entrepreneur, e.g. a professional card (Dutch only).
  • The city will take a decision within three months. This period can be extended once by three months for complex cases.
  • Haven’t been informed of a decision after six months? Then the permit was refused.

Do you have a question?

Contact us. We are happy to help you.

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016 27 23 70

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