Market trading

Request a fixed spot

Do you want a permanent spot on a market in Leuven? If so, apply for a subscription. We will add you to the list and e-mail you when a spot becomes available.

How do you apply?

  1. Collect the documents
    Scan or photos of:
    • Your permit to carry out an itinerant trade (itinerant trader’s card) (front and back in one scan)
    • Your identity card (front and back in one scan)
    • Your third-party liability (TPL) policy and proper coverage against fire risks for market activities
    • Your inspection certificate for fire extinguisher type ABC - 2 x 5 kg or 1 x CO2 - 6 kg (valid for two years)
    • Photo of the stall
    • If you use gas or electricity: gas or electricity inspection certificates (valid for one year)
    • If you sell unpackaged food: medical certificate (valid for three years)
    • If you sell alcohol: alcohol permit
  2. Submit your request

Request a fixed spot in the market (Dutch only)

Request a non-fixed spot on the Saturday market

How do you submit your request?

  1. Collect the documents
    Scan or photos of:

    • Your permit to carry out an itinerant trade (itinerant trader’s card) (front and back in one scan)
    • Your identity card (front and back in one scan)
    • Your third-party liability (TPL) policy and proper coverage against fire risks for market activities
    • Your inspection certificate for fire extinguisher type ABC - 2 x 5 kg or 1 x CO2 - 6 kg (valid for one year)
    • Photo of the stall
    • If you use gas or electricity: inspection certificates for gas or electricity (valid for two years)
    • If you sell unpackaged food: medical certificate (valid for three years)
    • If you sell alcohol: alcohol permit
  2. Submit your request

Request a non-fixed spot on the Saturday market (Dutch only)

What happens after you have registered?

  1. Are you a new market trader? If so, we invite you to present your file at the City Office.
  2. A jury allocates you points based on several criteria: artisanal, innovative, exclusive, production process, image, conformity with the ILO, sustainability, hygiene and entrepreneurship.
  3. We select the candidates who score at least 20/30.
    • The candidates with the highest scores will be the first to get a stall.
    • In the event of an equal score, the candidate who first registered will have priority.
    • Candidates who fail can request feedback in writing.
  4. We e-mail you the authorisation.
  5. Print it and bring it with you on market day.

Request a non-fixed spot on other markets

Report on the day itself to the market managers:

  • Friday market in Leuven
    Between 7.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. at cafe De Leivese Ton, Bondgenotenlaan 60, 3000 Leuven
  • Sunday market in Heverlee
    Between 7.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. at the Phare café, Naamsesteenweg 108, 3001 Heverlee
  • Wednesday market in Kessel-Lo
    Between 1.30 p.m. and 1.45 p.m. on De Becker Remyplein, 3010 Kessel-lo
  • Monday market in Wijgmaal
    Call the market manager in advance.
  • Annual market
    Between 7 a.m. and 7.30 am in café Central, Margarethaplein 3, 3000 Leuven

What must you bring?

  • Principal itinerant trader’s card (apply at an enterprise counter)
  • Proof of identity
  • Your third-party liability (TPL) insurance policy and proper coverage against fire risks for market activities
  • Your inspection certificates for gas and/or electricity (if used, two-yearly inspection required)
  • Your medical certificate for the sale of unpackaged food (certificate is valid for three years)
  • Your inspection certificate for fire extinguisher type ABC-6 kg or type CO2 2 x 5 kg (bi-annual inspection is also mandatory for a newly purchased fire extinguisher)

One-time sale as an association or young enterprise

Associations and young enterprises do not need an itinerant trader’s card to sell something on the market for a good cause. But they must request permission at least one month in advance.

Ask for permission to sell something on a one-off basis (Dutch only)

Regulations (Dutch only)

Reglement markten(pdf, 297.49 KB)

Do you have a question?

Contact us, we are happy to help you.

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016 27 23 70

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