Counter non-Belgians


Professor Van Overstraetenplein 1
3000 Leuven

Contact us

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016 27 21 94

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We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Make an appointment

Whether you need an appointment depends on what you want to arrange. Some things can be done online, others you have to come to the city office.

Check whether you need an appointment


City office

Counter non-Belgians

Professor Van Overstraetenplein 1
3000 Leuven

Hoe geraak je er?

Je komt best met de fiets of het openbaar vervoer naar het stadskantoor. 
Lees meer over de bereikbaarheid en toegankelijkheid

How to get there?

How to get there?

It's best to come to the city office by bike or public transport.
Read more about accessibility and how to get there

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