Becoming a Belgian

You can automatically obtain Belgian nationality or you can obtain it by taking steps yourself. This is usually done by contacting the city.


How to apply for Belgian citizenship?

You can request the Belgian citizenship by submitting a nationality declaration. To submit the application, you need to assemble documents.

Start file for application

Need help?
Make an appointment at the city office.
If you are not in Belgium, you can only make an appointment by phone.

What happens after you submit your details?

  1. You receive an e-mail containing a tailored list of documents that you need to submit as soon as we have reviewed your file.
  2. You send us a scan or photo of those documents via e-mail.
  3. We review your file and together we book an appointment to come to the office.
  4. You come to the city office by appointment and submit a nationality declaration.


Naturalisation is possible in certain cases as a favour granted by the Chamber of Representatives.


€ 150 (registration fee for adults).

You can pay via (website of the federal government)

Condition and procedure

You can find more information on obtaining the Belgian citizenship via FOD Justitie (Dutch only).


Minors can become Belgians under certain conditions:

  • Having a Belgian parent or adoptive parent
  • Having been born in Belgium
  • Having a parent or adoptive parent who has obtained Belgian citizenship

Do you have a question?

Contact us. We are happy to help you.

Call us

016 27 21 93

Mail us
We will get back to you as soon as possible.