Complete your file

Step 1 of 2: Your personal data

Your personal data

Your personal data

Enter your details as stated on your national ID card or passport.

Do you have several given names? Enter them all.
Do you have several surnames? Enter them all.
Do you have a Belgian national registration number (‘rijksregisternummer’)? *
E.g. 06.02.23-123.45
E.g. 2022.

Your contact details

Do you have a Belgian phone number? *
E.g. 123 45 67 89 (mobile) or 12 34 56 78 (landline)
We will only use this email address to contact you about this application.

The City of Leuven respects your privacy

  • We only use your data for this request.
  • We will only transfer them to third parties if this is necessary to process your request.
  • We will not keep these data for longer than necessary.

Read more about how the City of Leuven processes your personal information in our privacy statement.

Something wrong or unclear on this page? Let us know.