Buddy for newcomers

Would you like help from a Leuven native to help you find your way around town? Then ask for a buddy. He or she can help you find your way around Leuven. Or just go out together. 

What is a buddy?

A buddy is a Leuven volunteer who can help you with all kinds of things: showing you the way in Leuven, reading difficult letters, filling out documents together, explaining the registration system of the shelter or school, helping you with your Dutch lessons and much more.

A buddy is also someone who listens to you. Going for a drink together, taking a walk together, playing sports ...

You meet about once every 2 weeks. More or less is also possible.

How to apply?

This can be done in 3 ways.

Via mail

Department for Diversity and Equal Opportunities

Diestsesteenweg 104F
3010 Kessel-Lo


Apply for a buddy

Come by

Come by the Nomade on Thursday from 14:00 to 17:00.

De Nomade - house for newcomers

Oud deelgemeentehuis Kessel-Lo
3010 Kessel-Lo

What happens after your application?

We invite you to an intake interview. You tell us about yourself and your interests. Also let us know what you expect from a buddy.

We look for a buddy who suits you as well as possible. If there is a match, you will be introduced to each other.

Do you have a question?

Contact us. We'll be happy to help. 

Call us

016 27 28 80

Mail us

We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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