Activation code digital key

The online services offered by the authorities are protected. To gain access, you have to identify yourself with a digital key. Some digital keys require an activation code.

Which digital keys are available?

1. Electronic identity card (eID) or electronic residence card
Logging in with your eID or electronic residence card is the safest way. Some EU nationals can log in with their national eID card.

2. Itsme
Log in on your smartphone with a free app.

3. Digital key with activation code (mobile app, text message or e-mail)
No eID or residence card, card reader or Itsme? In that case you can apply for another digital key. You identify yourself with a mobile app, a text message or an e-mail. These digital keys require an activation code.

You can find more information about digital keys on the website of the federal authorities.

How to apply for a digital key with activation code (mobile app, text message or e-mail)?

1. Come to the city office (by appointment)

What do you need to bring?

  • Proof of identity
  • National number ('rijksregisternummer') or bis number
  • Personal email address

Make appointment

2. Activation code
You immediately receive an activation code.

3. Activate digital key
You receive an email with a link which allows you to select and activate a digital key.

AttentionThe link is valid for 2 weeks.


€ 10.

You can pay using cash or a debit/credit card.

Need help?

Call or chat with 1700, the free information service of the Flemish authorities.

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