PACT in Spaanse Kroon

Together with the residents of the Spaanse Kroon, the city wants to soften and green streets, pavements, driveways and gardens in the neighbourhood through nature-based solutions. This way, we want to better protect the neighbourhood from the effects of climate change.

How do we proceed?

  1. Intensive participation process

    During the different parts of the project we will involve the inhabitants of the Spaanse Kroon:

    • Survey: at the end of February 2022 we will survey residents to find out what they already know about nature-based solutions and what their attitude is towards them.
    • Introduction market: Wednesday 23 March 2022 we will invite inhabitants of the Spaanse Kroon to a first introduction market in the park.
    • Workshops: Between March and June 2022, several workshops will be held where we will work with residents to design the streets and footpaths. We will also look at the possibilities in gardens and driveways and draw up an action plan together.
  2. Redesign of public and private domain

    • In the autumn, together with the residents of the Spaanse Kroon, we will soften and green the gardens and driveways using the chosen nature-based solutions.
    • An external contractor will redesign the streets and footpaths from 2023 onwards.
  3. Evaluation through scientific research

    The project allows scientists of the KU Leuven to investigate the impact of different nature-based solutions on our living environment. Together with the inhabitants, the university will take measurements and place sensors.

Why Spaanse Kroon?

According to the city's rainwater plan, a lot of softening and greening can be done in the Spaanse Kroon to improve the district's water management. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are suitable for the public domain.

Old situation

The PACT project (LIFE20 CCA/BE/001710) receives funding from the LIFE program of the European Union.

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