Right to return

If you leave Belgium temporarily for more than 3 months, you must report this to the city. Otherwise, you may be struck from the register and your residence permit may be cancelled.

In order to avoid problems upon your return to Belgium, it is best to ask that your 'right of return' be registered. If you return to the city within the valid period of your right to return, you will retain your right of abode.

Who can apply?

Right to return can be exercised by non-Belgians with a valid residence card who will temporarily leave Belgium for a period of more than 3 months (must be applied for before departure).

How to apply?

AttentionIf you wish to exercise your right to return, please contact the non-Belgians Counter. We will check whether you meet the conditions for the right to return (possibly in combination with temporary absence if you retain your address).
  • Email to: nietbelgen@leuven.be
  • Subject line of the email: 'right to return' + your Belgian national registration number (‘rijksregisternummer’) + surname + given name(s) (as stated on your national identity card or passport)
  • Attach the following documents (in PDF format, scanned separately):
    • National identity card (front and back) or national passport (biodata page)
    • Current residence permit
    • Proof of departure date (exit stamp in passport or airline ticket)
  • Mention the following information in the email:
    • Reason for the application
    • Surname, given name(s) (as stated on your national identity card or passport)
    • Date and place of birth
    • Nationality
    • Full address in Leuven, including any ‘busnummer’ (flat/room number)
    • Address abroad (maximum 70 characters, in the format ‘street + house number, postal code + municipality, country’ )
    • Belgian phone number
    • You state whether you retain your address in Leuven, and can return to this address when you return to Belgium. Should a new resident move to your address during your absence, please state this explicitly.
  • Are you applying for more than one person? Then send a separate mail with attachments per person.
  • We only process complete applications.

What to do upon your return?

Contact the non-Belgians counter within 15 days of your return. The local police officer will verify your address.

  • Email to: nietbelgen@leuven.be
  • Subject line of the email: 'right to return' + your Belgian national registration number (‘rijksregisternummer’) + surname + given name(s) (as stated on your national identity card or passport)
  • Attach the following documents (in PDF format, scanned separately):
    • National identity card (front and back) or national passport (biodata page)
    • Residence permit
    • Annex 18
    • Proof of arrival date (entry stamp in passport or airline ticket)
    • Rental contract (if applicable)
  • Mention the following information in the email:
    • Confirmation that you have returned to Belgium
    • Surname, given name(s) (as stated on your national identity card or passport)
    • Full address in Leuven, including any ‘busnummer’ (flat/room number)
    • Belgian phone number

Do you have a question?

Contact us, we are happy to help you.

Call us

016 27 21 94

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