Navas de Tolosa Primary School

Pilot project of LIFE PACT currently taking place in the neighbourhood of San Cristóbal de los Ángeles, Villaverde District, Madrid.

  • Where: Navas de Tolosa primary school in San Cristóbal de los Ángeles, Villaverde District (View on Google Maps)
  • When: 2023-2024

Why the Navas de Tolosa site?

  • A 2016 study identifies Villaverde District as highly vulnerable to climate change, facing risks particularly related to heat waves, drought and biodiversity loss.
  • The socio-economic landscape of San Cristóbal de los Ángeles neighbourhood, with a very low income rate and highest immigration rate in the city, amplifies the vulnerability of its residents to climate change impacts, especially to summer energy poverty.
  • San Cristóbal is characterised by a tight-knit social fabric dedicated to the community’s well-being and development.
  • Navas de Tolosa primary school is strategically located near other public facilities such as a kindergarten, a sports centre, or an NGO for individuals with functional diversity. Despite their proximity, these entities currently operate independently of each other.
  • The vaste Dehesa Boyal park is adjacent to the school, although separated by a concrete fence. This green space works as a vibrant hub where different generations and nationalities engage in recreational activities and coexist harmoniously.

Participatory approach

  • Unveiling and engaging neighbourhood social networks and resources
    A mapping of existing social associations and resources in the neighbourhood was carried out. This mapping allowed participation in several worktables and monthly sessions, where the project was made known and its progress was reviewed, including the vision of the socio-educational agents both at the level of design suggestions and problem forecasting. These agents were important both in making the project known to the neighbourhood and in introducing the voices of other communities into the design.
  • Crafting new narratives and futures through creative writing and arts
    The association Assembly for Children has worked with us, engaging students in creative activities aimed at deepening their understanding of climate change and envisioning a greener and healthier playground.
  • Innovative co-design methodology involving experts and citizens
    Prointec, an engineering firm, actively participated in the co-design process, translating the imaginative ideas of children and neighbours into a tangible implementation plan.
  • Inclusive engagement of all users and residents in the maintenance plan design
    Extending the use of the space beyond school hours requires thoughtful consideration of the maintenance plan. Gea21 and Surcos Urbanos. Facilitated workshops involving users and residents to collectively shape a comprehensive and sustainable maintenance strategy.
  • Close collaboration among public bodies
    The success of the project hinges on seamless coordination between Madrid City Climate Change department, the District board, and the school managers.

What already happened?

  • Environmental and social analysis
    Gea 21, Surcos urbanos and the UPM’s research group ABIO conducted a comprehensive technical and social analysis. The assessment aimed to identify both opportunities and limitations, providing a foundation for informed decision-making.
  • Workshops with the children
    The Assembly for Children, co-funded by Porticus Arts Lab, orchestrated a series of workshops with the school community. These sessions were designed to deepen understanding of climate change and encourage imaginative thinking about the future school environment. Employing creative writing methodologies, the workshops sought to foster creativity and innovative solutions.
  • Preliminary design
    Drawing on the insights gained from the workshops and the environmental and social analysis, Basurama architecture collective designed a preliminary proposal for a school renovation as a common space shared by other public facilities.
  • Implementation plan
    Prointec has shaped the implementation plan in close collaboration with the City Council, the district board, the school community and several neighbourhood associations. This ongoing dialogue ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, contributing to a robust and inclusive project.
  • School works in progress
    Starting from the summer of 2023, notable changes have been initiated in the school environment. The replacement of the concrete walls with a fence offers a panoramic view of the park, and plans are underway to demolish an old building, creating additional open space between the facilities. The naturalisation of the space will be carried out in successive phases, incorporating vegetative, shading and water elements.

Work in progress

Professor Van Overstraetenplein 1
3000 Leuven

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