Formal obligation (annex 32)

Do you want to stand surety for a non-EU/EEA student or graduate who lacks sufficient financial resources? Then you can sign a ‘formal obligation’. It confirms that you commit to providing financial support for this person if necessary.

For whom can you stand surety?

  • Non-EU/EEA student (long stay)
  • Non-EU/EEA graduate who is applying for a search year

Not for a non-EU/EEA national who intends to come to Belgium for maximum 3 months (short stay).

Can you stand surety?

In order to stand surety, you must comply with one of the following conditions:

  • You are a Belgian.
  • You are an EU national residing in an EU country.
  • You are a non-EU national with permanent stay in Belgium or in another EU member state.
    E.g. you hold a B, C/K, D/L, F(+) or M(+) card
    Not if you hold a Belgian A or H card (unless you are a relative up to the third degree).
  • You are a non-EU relative up to the third degree (related by blood or by marriage)
    In that case, you must present proof of the kinship at the Belgian embassy or at the Belgian municipality where you live (one or several birth or marriage certificates).
    Read the rules on translation and legalisation of certificates. This prevents us from having to reject your documents and thereby delaying your application.
    Family members up to the third degree are:
    • (Adoptive) parents
    • (Adopted) children
    • Grandparents
    • Grandchildren
    • Siblings
    • Great-grandparents
    • Great-grandchildren
    • Cousins (children of siblings)
    • Uncles and aunts (siblings of parents)

How long can you stand surety for?

  • For a student
    You can stand surety for the duration of one academic year, or for a study course (e.g. bachelor or master)
  • For a search year
    You stand surety for the entire search year.

What are the conditions to stand surety?

Check the conditions with the Immigration Office of the federal authorities.

What do you have to do?

AttentionDo you reside abroad?
In that case, contact the competent Belgian embassy.

  1. Complete the ‘formal obligation’
  2. Make an appointment with the city office. Bring along the ‘formal obligation’ to have your signature authenticated.

How to make an appointment?

If you are not in Belgium, you can only make an appointment by phone.

Make an appointment

What do you need to bring?

  • Proof of identity
    • Belgian: Belgian identity card
    • Non-Belgian: national passport or identity card and Belgian residence permit
  • Non-EU family member: proof of the kinship, unless you have permanent stay in Belgium or another EU member state.
  • Proof of your income
    • Employee:
      • 3 most recent pay slips
      • Work contract or employer's certificate (at least valid during the academic year or study course for which you want to stand surety)
    • Self-employed:
      • Proof of your income, issued by a public authority
      • Proof of payment of social security contributions
      • Proof of registration with the Crossroads Bank of Enterprises
  • ‘Formal obligation’ (annex 32)
    You already complete the form, but do not yet sign it. You do so at the counter.

Pay attention

Do you reside in Belgium and do you stand surety for a student applying for renewal of stay or a graduate applying for a search year? Then the student or graduate must submit the following documents together with the authenticated ‘formal obligation' (annex 32):

  • Proof of income which you presented during the authentication of the annex 32
  • Copy of your identity card or residence card (both sides)
  • If you are a non-EU family member: proof of the kinship

Is the student you are standing surety for applying for renewal of stay ? If possible, come along during the student’s appointment, so that the annex 32 can be authenticated then

More information

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