Standing surety for a foreign student or graduate (annex 32)
Do you want to stand surety for a foreign student or graduate? Then sign a ‘formal obligation’ (annex 32). By means of this document you confirm that you will pay for the costs of health care, sojourn and repatriation of this person if they are unable to do so themselves.
For whom can you stand surety?
- A student who is not an EU, EEA or Swiss national. The student resides in Belgium for more than 3 months.
- A graduate who is not an EU, EEA or Swiss national and who is applying for a search year.
AttentionNot intended for a student who is coming to Belgium as a tourist for maximum 3 months. For this purpose, you can sign another formal obligation (‘annex 3bis’).
Can you stand surety?
In order to stand surety, you must have sufficient income.
Check the minimum amount
You must furthermore comply with one of these conditions:
- You are a Belgian.
- You are an EU national and you reside in an EU country.
- You are not an EU national and you have permanent stay in an EU country.
- You are not an EU national and you are one of the following family members:
- Spouse or legal partner
- Parent, parent-in-law or stepparent
- Child, child-in-law or stepchild
- Grandparent
- Grandchild
- Sibling
- Niece or nephew (child of sibling)
- Uncle or aunt (sibling of parent)
How long can you stand surety for?
- For a student
You can choose between:- 1 academic year
- 1 study course (e.g. bachelor or master)
- For a search year
You stand surety for the entire search year.
What do you have to do?
This depends on your situation.
More information
Do you have a question?
Contact us. We are happy to help you.